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Implication of Antibiotic Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Example of Associated Antimicrobial Resistance in Latin America. Antibiotics (Basel).

Investigación y Educación

Álvarez-Moreno C, Valderrama-Beltrán S, Rodriguez-Morales AJ. 20/3/2021

Antimicrobials are essential for infection management. The development of antimicrobial
resistance (AMR) is a growing public health problem. Globally, by the year 2050, an
estimated 10 million annual deaths will be attributable to AMR [1,2]. Multi-drug resistant
microorganisms have spread throughout the world, and Latin America is no exception.
The reported rates of resistance to carbapenem in 2017 on average were 90%, 50%, and 10%
for Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae, respectively,
which are associated with poor outcomes, while the reported prevalence of resistance in
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremias was 44.7%.


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