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A simplified alternative diagnostic algorithm for SARS-CoV-2 suspected symptomatic patients and confirmed close contacts (asymptomatic): A consensus of Latin American experts. Int J Infect Dis.

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Alvarez-Moreno CA. 20/05/2021

Latin America accounts for one-quarter of global COVID-19 cases and one-third of deaths. Inequalities in the region lead to barriers to the best use of diagnostic tests during the pandemic. There is a need for simplified guidelines that consider the region’s limited health resources, international guidelines, medical literature, and local expertise.

The proposed algorithm aims to support COVID-19 diagnosis decision-making in Latin America.

Investigación y educación

Remdesivir and three other drugs for hospitalised patients with COVID-19: final results of the WHO Solidarity randomised trial and updated meta-analyses. Lancet.

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WHO Solidarity Trial Consortium. 02/05/2022

The Solidarity trial among COVID-19 inpatients has previously reported interim mortality analyses for four repurposed antiviral drugs. Lopinavir, hydroxychloroquine, and interferon (IFN)-β1a were discontinued for futility but randomisation to remdesivir continued. Here, we report the final results of Solidarity and meta-analyses of mortality in all relevant trials to date.

Investigación y educación

Associated Factors for Mortality in a COVID-19 Colombian Cohort by Epidemic Wave: Is the Predominance of Mu Variant Relevant? Lancet. 12

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Alvarez-Moreno C, De La Hoz Siegler I, Rojas J, Bravo Ojeda J, Chacón J, Yomayusa N, Patiño S, Gomez-Nieto K, Martínez Pinzón V, Toloza C, Tarud Ayub R, Rengifo P. 12/12/2022

The third epidemic wave reported the greatest number of deaths related to SARS-CoV-2 in Colombia. In this wave, the Mu variant was predominant in 75% of the cases. Therefore, we evaluated the association between Colombia's third wave and COVID-19 all-cause inhospital mortality.

Investigación y educación